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Date: Thu, 21 Oct 93 11:20:41 PDT
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
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Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #209
To: info-mac-list@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Info-Mac Digest Thu, 21 Oct 93 Volume 11 : Issue 209
Today's Topics:
[*] After Dark programming docs.
[*] BabyLabyrinth instructions
[*] check unix mail client
[*] em-rules-stratos.hqx
[*] Estr 1.0 - text for all mac os error numbers
[*] finger server for system 7
[*] safesexp.hqx
[*] seer / localtalk / records all packets
[*] softkiss 1.8 / device driver/init/cdev / ham radio
[*] solar.hqx --- Solar soft X-ray Quicktime movie
[*] SUMMARY: Is the Apple 8*24 GC video display board worth something?
[*] The Player PRO 4.0.9
[*] Three Sits of sounds that may be liked
[*] wais-for-mac-1.2-alpha.sea.hqx submission
[*] ZipIt 1.2
"Hair", Al & Me (or "us")
(Q) Fitting Syquest drive *and* CD-ROM inside Q800
(Q) Persuasion Multimedia
(Q) Postscript error
1984 Macintosh commercial
Anyone with Compu.D experience?
AppleIIc to Mac II
Apple StylewriterII network problems
Can speech input be turned into text?
Centris 660AV Get Info Problem (A)
Checking 5,000 files for QT compression (Q)
Chess for Mac (A) - Battle Chess
Claris XTNDS
CopyDoubler icon blanking
ftp.apple.com - what's wrong?? [R]
GopherApp sounds, how to play them?
Group Planner (Q)
Hyphenation in Quark XPress
Intel ad & ad homonym attack
Internet Identity (was Re: Rice Mirror...)
Laser for Apple AND Ethernet: HELP!
Lazy PowerBook ?
LineLink shipping time...(A)
Mac IIci won't start
MacTCP solution (A)
Mirror SmartStack (& 128MB optical drives)
P. Ingenierie Intertalk, what is it ? [Q]
PB180 + unstable 17" monitor
PhotoCD vs DOS Mounter (C)
problem with SAM 3.5
Quadras and Excel 3 (C)
regarding language translators
Remote & Selective Quitting of Apps
Rice, Hair and preemptive comments
Rice Mirror (And Anal Jerks)
SCSI Manager 4.3
Sumex traffic
System 7
To make disappear the HD icon?
Turkish font
Turning off the Laserwriter Pro Sleep Mode
Water marks in MS Word 5.1 (Q)
Writing code to select a fo
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Gordon Watts.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 11:23:41 +0100
From: pope@imv.aau.dk (Povl H. Pedersen)
Subject: [*] After Dark programming docs.
Here are the After Dark programmers documentation as downloaded from AOL.
It is posted with permission from Berkeley Systems, and they encourage
widest possible spread, as new modules sells more copies of AD.
Also included are the examples in an independent archive.
Both are untouched as found on AOL. Otherwise I would have used Compact Pro
to compress them.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/info/ad-programming-manual.hqx; 87K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 12:53:54 +48620 (MET)
From: space@maya.dei.unipd.it (Simone Bettini 227678/il)
Subject: [*] BabyLabyrinth instructions
This file contains the "Readme" and "Customising" files I
forgot to enclose in BabyLabyrinth 1.0.4 package.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/baby-labirynth-104-docs.hqx; 41K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 10:05:06 -0400 (EDT)
From: Aaron Wohl <aw0g+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: [*] check unix mail client
mailcheck / by Aaron Wohl N3LIW / Public Domain / mail n3liw+@cmu.edu
Home ftp site akutaktak.andrew.cmu.edu [] /aw0g/mailcheck*
Available from compuserve in the ham radio sig/packet section
Mailcheck is an Init/cdev/driver to check for mail in a server
(unix) mailbox via UDP (TCP/IP) and pop a notification manager
dialog window or play a sound when mail comes in.
Sources included. It talks to a unix server which is also
available from the above site.
Aaron Wohl (aw0g+@andrew.cmu.edu)
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/net/mailcheck.hqx; 198K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 7:12:43 PDT
From: Scott Patlin <patlin@ucsu.Colorado.EDU>
Subject: [*] em-rules-stratos.hqx
Moderators: I reccomend the name EM_RULES_STRATOS.HQX for this file.=20
description follows.
Welcome to Stratos
This is a freeware rule set for the Empire Master game (which is
shareware.) You must have the game to use the rule set, and unless you
are a hacker you must have the REGISTERED version of the game to use the
rule set. I am not the author of EM, I just designed the rule set.
Stratos is more =D2traditional=D3 than my last rule set, having tanks and j=
rather than dragons and knights. Some noticeable differences from the
standard rules include 1) an effective ICBM defence; 2) Several different
kinds of missiles including air to air missiles; 3) Mines for your harbors.
The sample game included might be worth trying once you get a handle on
the rules =D1 I gave it some settings I consider interesting, and stacked t=
deck against the human player. The computer will willingly play against
you with this rule set, but be aware of the following problems.
1) Fighters carrying missiles can only refuel at cities. I understand thi=
problem is inherent in the game.
2) The computer isn=D5t great at holding what it has, which a smart human
can do rather well. I normally find that if the computer doesn=D5t stubbor=
remind you that you are destined to loose for the first third of the game,
there is no challenge.
3) Technology is important! The computer player doesn=D5t really spend
enough on Science and Technology, IMHO.
Have fun!
PS - I hate drawing b&w icons, so this rule set will look best in color
with size 10 or 16 selected on the map.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/em-rules-stratos.hqx; 39K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 14:11:08 -0400 (EDT)
From: Aaron Wohl <aw0g+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: [*] Estr 1.0 - text for all mac os error numbers
Estr version 1.0
resources with text for all of the os errors.
This was created with resourcerer so don't worry if double clicking
it doesn't start resedit, just open it from within resedit.
Aaron Wohl (n3liw+@cmu.edu)
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/estr-10.hqx; 45K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 10:00:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: Aaron Wohl <aw0g+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: [*] finger server for system 7
Finger server for system 7
by Aaron Wohl N3LIW / Public Domain / mail n3liw+@cmu.edu
Home ftp site akutaktak.andrew.cmu.edu [] /aw0g/finger*
Shows list of running processes and list of open files.
>From a unix server we finger a mac running a mail gateway
to see if it is still alive and what it is running.
Think C sources included
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/net/finger-server.hqx; 72K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 04:56:46 -0700
From: Clyde Wildes <azebra@well.sf.ca.us>
Subject: [*] safesexp.hqx
This 15 second QuickTime movie asks "R-U safe?" in a fast-paced montage,
featuring beats by Deee-Lite. Broadcast quality transfers of this public
service announcement are available on 1" videotape free to cable/broadcast
television networks and non-profit organizations.
For more info, e-mail us at: twenty2@netcom.com.
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/qt/safe-sex.hqx; 2001K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 14:15:21 -0400 (EDT)
From: Aaron Wohl <aw0g+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: [*] seer / localtalk / records all packets
Seer records all packets on localtalk. It is not
32 bit clean. Source and object code is supplied.
The code is really bad but it works.
by Aaron Wohl, aw0g+@andrew.cmu.edu
For a much better example of how to write an
INIT/CDEV/DRVR see softkiss by the same author.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/net/seer.hqx; 313K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 14:10:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: Aaron Wohl <aw0g+@andrew.cmu.edu>
Subject: [*] softkiss 1.8 / device driver/init/cdev / ham radio
SoftKiss version 1.8
by Aaron Wohl N3LIW / Public Domain / mail n3liw+@cmu.edu
Home ftp site akutaktak.andrew.cmu.edu [] /aw0g/softkiss*
Available from compuserve in the ham radio sig/packet section
Softkiss is a device driver for a macintosh. It lets you hook a inexpensive
baycom type modem to a macintosh and do packet radio. See the OCT 1992
issue of 73 magazine. You also need NET/Mac which is available from
ucsd.edu and compuserv/ham radio sig.
This file contains the sources, documentation and built executables.
If you get this file you need the executable file .hqx file.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/soft-kiss-18.hqx; 483K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 14:13:57 -0400
From: gurman@uvsp.gsfc.nasa.gov
Subject: [*] solar.hqx --- Solar soft X-ray Quicktime movie
A Quicktime movie showing the rotation of the Sun's 1-million
degree+ corona (outer atmosphere), using one image per day for the
first five months of 1993. The images were obtained by the
U.S./Japanese Soft X-ray Telescope (SXT) on the Japanese Yohkoh
("sunbeam") spacecraft.
This file is a self-extracting, StuffIt-Lite compressed archive,
BinHex-encoded with BinHqx 1.02 (because trying to BinHex encode
anything in StuffIt Lite 3.07 crashes StuffIt Lite 3.07). The actual
Quicktime movie is 2.2 Mbyte in length.
Since the data used to assemble this movie are in the public domain
through the generosity of the Yohkoh science team, this movie may only
be included on the commercially available info-mac CD-ROM if it is made
explicitly clear that there are no restrictions on the copying or
distribution of the movie.
Joe Gurman
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/qt/solar.hqx; 2508K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 10:00:36 +0100
From: Dominique Petitpierre <petitp@divsun.unige.ch>
Subject: [*] SUMMARY: Is the Apple 8*24 GC video display board worth
Here is a summary of the answers I received and informations I found out about
my question: "Is the Apple 8*24 GC video display board worth something?"
In short:
It is not worth buying it. Acceleration is not compatible with System 7 (my
problem) nor with 68040 CPUs. 24 bit colors works only on 13" monitors.
[Archived as /info-mac/info/hdwr/worth-of-8-24-gc-card.txt; 6K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 14:20:26 +0100 (BST)
From: "J. Rossi" <jr10@leicester.ac.uk>
Subject: [*] The Player PRO 4.0.9
This is the best MOD player I've seen. Apart from a neat implementation and
lots of available features, it is capable to import midi files ! Although
this is someting only registered users can enjoy.
The programmer, Antoine ROSSET from Switzerland, hasn't got Email so if you
want to tell him something, post it to my mailbox and I'll forward it.
Version 4.0.9, the latest, is a special release for Xmas. Check the
'screen saver'.
Older versions of this soft are found on the net under the name The Player
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/the-player-pro-409.hqx; 230K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 12:11:42 -0500
From: ah2011@andy.bgsu.edu (Tony Hershey)
Subject: [*] Three Sits of sounds that may be liked
Being a person in search of new and intresting sounds, I made these up...
Feel free to post whatever you wish...
I hope people enjoy theses as much as I enjoyed making them...
The Soundmaster
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/three-sound-sets.hqx; 3096K]
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 93 22:00:49 -0500
From: c526142@muphnx1.missouri.edu (Kuang Yu Liu)
Subject: [*] wais-for-mac-1.2-alpha.sea.hqx submission
This is wais-for-mac-1.2-alpha.sea.hqx found in wais.com
/pub/freeware/mac/. Since it is still labled as alpha,
try it at your own risk. TidBITS' editor said that it
is actually quite stable already and worth the uploading.
So here it comes.
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/net/wais-for-mac-12a.hqx; 244K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 02:25:33 EDT
From: nskqc@qcvaxa.acc.qc.edu
Subject: [*] ZipIt 1.2
ZipIt 1.2 by Tommy Brown.
ZipIt will compress and decompress files in the Zip archive format, even
those created on other platforms (even PKZip 2.0 for the PC). When you
Zip a file on the Mac, it will retain its Mac information, even when
moved across platforms.
This is the first Zip utility for the Mac that actually has a Mac
ZipIt is fully System 7-savvy and and even supports special AppleEvents
that will allow it to work with other applications. It is also fully
This versions fixes bugs and adds many features, like folder support,
full PKZip 2.04g compatibility, selective linefeed stripping, extension
mapping, and more.
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/zip-it-12.hqx; 203K]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 17:22:04 -0400
From: Robert Scott Lillard <rsl8m@kelvin.seas.virginia.edu>
Subject: "Hair", Al & Me (or "us")
I am not a member of the Al fan club (after all I am at UVa and
"we" can't stand those neutered turkies anyway) but give it a
rest Jamie ... Micheal Jackson got his "Hair" a little singed too
and he recovered (as I am sure you will). Al's a good enough guy
and maybe he was a little aggressive in expressing an opinion
that I am sure many on IM hold as well (who knows, maybe some-one
put there cig. out in his coffee that morn.) but I must agree
with him.
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 13:49:24 -0800
From: William R. Dickson <wdickson@halcyon.com>
Subject: (Q) Fitting Syquest drive *and* CD-ROM inside Q800
Hi there,
We've recently purchased some Quadra 800's. The floppy drive is in the
center bay, as usual. We'd like to put an internal Micronet 44/88 Syquest
drive and an internal Apple CD-300 in the other two bays. But now our
vendor tells us that, though each of these drives fit in the top bay, they
are just a hair too big for the middle and bottom bays.
Does anybody know how to get one of these drives to fit into the bottom
bay? Barring that, can anybody suggest a 44/88 syquest drive that *will*
fit into the bottom bay?
William R. Dickson, Desktop Publishing Coordinator
Kinko's Copies Bellevue III -- reply to: wdickson@bell3.wa.kinkos.com
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 17:18:42 -0400
From: "Tom Scott" <Tom_Scott@qmengr.mail.cornell.edu>
Subject: (Q) Persuasion Multimedia
(Q) Persuasion Multimedia
What's the easiest way for incorporating QuickTime movies in a Persuasion
(version 2.0) presentation? Will version 2.1 do this? Or what other software
will I need to do this? I've heard of a package called Cinemation which might
do this, but I was wondering if there was something out there in cyberspace.
Also, what about integrating video into Persuasion? Am I limited to buying a
VideoSpigot? Please help me; I'm a multimedia junkie!!!
Thomas Scott, Systems Manager, College of Engineering
Cornell University, Carpenter Hall Annex, Ithaca, NY 14853
Date: Tue, 19 Oct 1993 17:33:37 -0400
From: "Tom Scott" <Tom_Scott@qmengr.mail.cornell.edu>
Subject: (Q) Postscript error
(Q) Postscript error
One of my offices created two documents, one in Word and one in WriteNow
3.0. Both of these documents had a graphic at the top to represent their
letterhead. Everything looks kosher except when they try to print the
document, they said that they were getting a Postscript error. Tests
were done on several different Macs and several different printers, so
it's not some kind of a conflict.
I tested the docs. In both Word and WN, just trying to print the logo
with no text *SUPPOSEDLY* went through fine (I was watching PrintMonitor).
But when I went back to the printer.....nothing! Nothing had printed out.
I tested with text in the document too, with varying amounts. Up until
ALMOST a full of text underneath the logo yielded the same results.
Looked like no problem, but no output. WHen I tried with a full page of
text and over, I DID get a Postscript error --- Error: stackunderflow;
offending command: exch
This happened in both Word and WriteNow. Anyone have any idea what this
Postscript error means, or how we can resolve it? TIA!!
Thomas Scott, Systems Manager, College of Engineering
Cornell University, Carpenter Hall Annex, Ithaca, NY 14853
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 13:16:51 +0100
From: bebb@ferndown.ate.slb.com (Malcolm Bebb)
Subject: 1984 Macintosh commercial
I keep seeing references to the 1984 Macintosh commercial, people wanting
to get it etc. Could someone please explain to this uninformed Brit what's
so special about it - or is it simply nostalgia?
Malcolm bebb@ferndown.ate.slb.com (Usual disclaimers apply)
Date: 21 Oct 1993 04:14:00 GMT
From: bhc@carson.u.washington.edu (Brian Clark)
Subject: Anyone with Compu.D experience?
Has anyone either heard of and/or have any experience with Compu.D
International? Please e-mail me your responses or post if you cannot e-mail.
Thank you,
Brian Clark <bhc@u.washington.edu>
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 16:03:53 GMT
From: neilg@sfu.ca (Neil K. Guy)
Subject: AppleIIc to Mac II
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
>Can anyone give me advice on plugging in an Apple CPU
>card into my Mac? How well does this work? Any major
The Apple //e emulation card for the Macintosh works only with LC
class machines and the Colour Classic. It cannot be used with the Mac
>Also, how can I get my Apple IIc files over to
>my Mac? My Apple IIc has a 5-1/4 drive, by Mac
>has 3-1/2 800k drive. Is there any way of networking
>the two together through AppleTalk?
Although there's some AppleTalk code in the your //c ROMs I don't
know of any way to network them. Probably the most straightforward way
to do the transfer (aside from plugging a UniDisk 3.5 into your //c
and then using Apple File Exchange on the Mac to open the ProDOS
diskettes) would be to connect the two machines' serial ports together
with a null modem cable. Then use your favourite terminal emulation
programs for either end and transfer everything across the serial
- Neil K. (n_k_guy@sfu.ca)
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 14:16:08
From: Ben Squire <btsquire@leland.stanford.edu>
Subject: Apple StylewriterII network problems
I'm using a StylewriterII connected to a Cetris 650 8/230 with built in
Ethernet. I'd like to be able to share my printer with other users on the
When I go into the setup menu in the chooser and click "share this printer," I
get an error message "there is not enough memory to share your printer, quit
applications and try again." I still get this message after quitting all
applications. Restarting doesn't help. I also tried disabling my system
extentions and still no luck. The strange thing is that I was able to share
printer once and I didn't run into this problem until the second time I wanted
to share it. I reinstalled my printer software, which corrected the problem,
but after I restarted my computer, I was no longer able to share it. The
that came with my printer is the Stylewriter II ver1.0. Is there a newer
version that would correct this problem. I can't believe that apple hasn't
out with an update of the driver, but maybe not.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Ben Squire <btsquire@leland.stanford.edu>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1993 14:50:58 CHT
From: pmason@chasqui.mic.cl (Patricio Mason)
Subject: Can speech input be turned into text?
Dear netters,
In the course of my work I often wish I had a means of turning recorded
speech from an input source such as a cassette tape into a text file, much
in the way a scanner will read a piece of paper and turn it into a text
Is this still science fiction? Comments welcome.
Gracias in advance.
Patricio Mason
Santiago, Chile
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 93 01:59:22 GMT
From: taylor@31580032150002.SINet.SLB.COM
Subject: Centris 660AV Get Info Problem (A)
To: IN%"info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"@M_SDR@MRGATE@SNDRTR@SNDRTR
Thanks to those who replied. The problem turned out to be a conflict with
SpeedyFinder7 1.5.4. Took a while. Interesting problem - the fifth item
of each menu in the Finder was corupted.
>A Centris 660AV loaded with assorted extns and c.panels has a problem
>with "Get Info". The keyboard command is changed to Command-Option-W
>which cant be invoked (except by mouse. .....
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 11:32:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Joshua Yeidel <yeidel@tomar.accs.wsu.edu>
Subject: Checking 5,000 files for QT compression (Q)
We have a collection of about 5,000 PICT-format images mounted on a
server. Until recently, we have avoided using Quicktime JPEG compression
for images in this collection because we have seen problems when we try to
modify compressed images and we didn't have a way of archiving
non-compressed versions.
Now we are archiving the (supposedly :-) non-compressed images to tape,
(whence they can be retrieved if modification is needed), then compressing
them on the server. The problem is, some of the images appear to have
already been QT-JPEG compressed (in violation of our procedures, but there
it is ...)
We would like to avoid re-compressing compressed images. However, the
only way we have found to know for sure that the images are compressed is
to open them with JPEGview and "Get Info". That's going to be a lengthy
process across a network for 5,000 images.
Does anyone know of a quicker way of determining whether an image has been
Quicktime-JPEG compressed? The ideal thing would be a Hypercard XCMD, but
any suggestions woudl be gratefully received.
--Joshua Yeidel, Learning Systems, Washington State University
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 21:49:53 -0500
From: Colglazier <coljos@homer.bethel.edu>
Subject: Chess for Mac (A) - Battle Chess
> From: PCHANE@AppleLink.Apple.COM (U of Wisconsin, P Chane,STU)
> Subject: Chess on the Macintosh
> Could anyone please recommend a good chess program for Macs?
> Preferably one with color, 3-D, etc. Shareware preferred. Thanks.
> Also looking for Go, Poker, Blackjack and other strategy games.
> PC
Battle Chess
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 18:09:35 -0500 (CDT)
From: Russell Cotton <rcotton@tenet.edu>
Subject: Claris XTNDS
Hello Net,
I was wondering if there is an FTP site that has Claris XTNDS. I
have found only 2 XTNDS on the internet (info-mac and UMICH). They are the
Teachtext XTND and the BMP2EPS XTND package
Thank You,
~ Russell Cotton <> rcotton@tenet.edu ~
~ Superintendent/Principal Garner ISD ~
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 10:12:24 CDT
From: jemian@tmnxt1.iit.edu (Pete Jemian)
Subject: CopyDoubler icon blanking
In Info-Mac 11-207 (+/-2), Stan Kerr writes:
I've never been able to get the CopyDoubler icon to appear in my Control
Panels folder as anything but the default dogeared document icon; any
suggestions there? (This is not exactly pressing, but I thought I would
throw it in. Yes, I've rebuilt the desktop.)
I had the same problem, too. Harry Rehnberger of Salient was very
communicative but his words were not helpful. I posted to InfoMac
sometime back about this problem and no Sherlock Holmes solved
the problem. What *did* restore the standard icons for me was
to "label" files with BNDLs that were getting ignored (thus the missing
icon problem) and tell AutoDoubler not to compress any file
with that "label". Remember that a "label" can be assigned with
standard system 7 Finder routines.
So, I lose some compression but I also lose a big hassle with
busted BNDL information that is obviously caused by AutoDoubler.
Like I said before, I am *still* not knocking AutoDoubler.
Good product and better than **any** driver-level compression for
my pattern of usage. This is just a defect in its compatibility
with the Finder. End of soapbox.
-- Pete Jemian
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 17:20:21 +0200
From: mtrms01@techunix.technion.ac.il (Dr. Michael S. Silverstein)
Subject: ftp.adobe.com
Thanks to all of you who replied...a special vote of thanks to Al Bloom for
the extra effort...everyone can now ignore my previous message....a nice
day to all...mike
Michael Silverstein
Materials Engineering, Technion
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 20:13:42 -0500
From: klaus@sparky.rad.med.umich.edu (Klaus P. Fechner)
Subject: ftp.apple.com - what's wrong?? [R]
On Mon, 18 Oct 93 12:38:41 -0700, Randy Groves <randy@atc.boeing.com> wrote:
>For the past several days, ftp.apple.com times out on an FTP connection.
>Anybody know what's wrong with it??
If it happens while downloading the new Software Utility Update 1.0.1 and
the interim MacCheck Version 1-0-5a1, I may have some good news:
I had seemingly the same problem, downloading via Fetch and MacPPP at 9600
bps. After the transfer of /dts/mac/sys.soft/utils/maccheck-1-0-5a1.hqx had
failed for the third time at 90 % through the file, I watched it instead of
running it in the background. Fetch then complained that the file was not a
valid BinHex file and offered to download with BinHex decoding off.
However, the automatic cancellation of the download in progress caused the
server to disonnect, which is a "feature" I remember reading about in the
past; it may be in the Fetch online help. Anyone remember? While Fetch
downloaded in the background, it only called for attention after the
connection had been terminated and diplayed the alert to that effect.
Anyway, checking it out further, there are two lines of binary data
appended to the end of both maccheck-1-0-5a1.hqx and
software-utility-1-0-1.hqx that seem to make Fetch's debinhexing routine
The solution: Download as text files with auto-debinhexing disabled, and
drop the files on Stuffit Expander. Problem gone!
Hope this helps.
P.S. Jim Matthews at Dartmouth may want to check into Fetch's BinHex decoder.
The sysops at ftp.apple.com may want to fix the files.
Klaus P. Fechner <klaus@sparky.rad.med.umich.edu>, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 20:31:12 -0600
From: (Dominik Hoffmann) <hoffmann@vms2.macc.wisc.edu>
Subject: GopherApp sounds, how to play them?
For the first time now, I came accross some sounds using Gopher client
GopherApp. At least that's what the items' icon consisting of a staff with
two notes on it makes me believe they are. Now I don't know how to play
them back.
Can anyone help?
Dominik (hoffmann@macc.wisc.edu)
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 93 11:44:57 JST
From: paul@etlrips.etl.go.jp
Subject: Group Planner (Q)
In our group here we would like to use a central application that would
allow us to enter our schedules into a central database and have it
accessible to any use that would like to see it. Does anyone have any
recommendations on this count. A free/shareware version would be nice, but
a commercial version would be acceptable as well (so long as the price is
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 93 14:41 GMT0BST-1
From: Pindar Infotek Ltd <pindar3@cix.compulink.co.uk>
Subject: Hyphenation in Quark XPress
>From Pindar user Ian McCall
Subject: _Hyphenation in Quark XPress 3.1
Is there any way of turning hyphenation completely off in Quark? I've
checked in the manual and hunted around various option screens, but
can't seem to find one that allows me to completely get rid of them.
I'd be particularly interested in a way to specify this via tagged
text, since I'm engaged in trying to automate a fairly big job.
Still, any method at all would be a help.
Please make 'Attn:<space>Ian McCall' the first line of your reply
(not the
subject) to ensure automatic forwarding to the correct Pindar user.
Date: 20 Oct 93 12:32:00 EST
From: "Troen, Bruce" <BRUCE.TROEN@med.umich.edu>
Subject: Intel ad & ad homonym attack
I read with great distaste the comments made in IM V11 #207 by Dylan the Hippy
Wabbit <d_spacey@icrf.icnet.uk> about a previous posting by Ken Linger.
Hippy Wabbit (who doesn't give us the courtesy of leaving his real name)
initially responds on a factual plane. His points are well taken, though
arguable (especially the price performance ratio).
However, he then says the following:
"let's not play 'My dads bigger than yours,' it's too childish even for me.
(4) To put it another way,
Hippy Wabbit chooses to attack Ken Linger as being childish and without a
To insert that kind of language smacks of the pot calling the kettle black!
This digest doesn't need that kind of response unless the previous poster was
clearly on a royal flame.
How about chilling out Mr. Hippy Wabbit?
Bruce Troen
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 12:07:39 -0700 (PDT)
From: Joshua Yeidel <yeidel@tomar.accs.wsu.edu>
Subject: Internet Identity (was Re: Rice Mirror...)
I saw a cartoon in Utne Reader that addresses this nicely. (Like most
cartoons, it's not as funny when described, but here goes...)
Two canines are sitting in an office talkng. One is sitting on a chair
in front of a computer with a paw on the keyboard, and saying to the other
"On the Internet, no one knows you're a dog."
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1993 14:27:14 +0100
From: cerioli@disi.unige.it (Maura Cerioli)
Subject: Laser for Apple AND Ethernet: HELP!
Dear Info-mac networkers,
we want to buy a laser printer to serve (at one time)
our Macintoshes' net (connected through localtalk as
hardware and appleshare as software) and a Sun's ethernet.
I thought it was a common problem, but it seems
unusual (actually our dealers say they never
saw such a morbid interconnection) at least in Italy.
Thus I'm appealing to the Info-mac people for
help. Please answer directly to me
(cerioli@disi.unige.it) and if there is a common
interest I'll summarize the answers and post the
As the laser we are going to buy should serve all
people of the dept. we would like to have a fast
and reliable machine, the capability of printing on
both side is a bonus but not a requirement.
Moreover, as we are mostly printing text, the graphic resolution
could be not too high.
We need to have a ``smart'' printer able to deal by itself
with files coming from the two nets
(we don't accept the idea of commuting manually,
or via software, the printer from one net to other).
Our users are definitely not experts and they would
have big troubles remembering that they have to
switch something or to send messages and such.
One last problem: right now the ethernet is built
using thick wire with transceivers and aui/drop cables,
but we plan to move to another
building where the ethernet is connected through
thin wires. So the printer should be able to
connect to both kinds. As it seems impossible
to have both connections available at one time,
we thought to connect the printer directly to
a printer server (a Sun) by a serial port
and to the localtalk port.
Our local dealers come out essentially with two
proposals, but they never installed either of
them so they ``think'' everything should work
but do ``not know'' for sure.
1 Laser printer HP model 4SI Mx
2 Laser printer CompaQ model Pagemarq 20
In particular we need to know if either of
this lasers can automatically switch between
the input from the serial port (connected to
the Sun printer server) and the input
from the localtalk.
Has anybody used either of them in such
a configuration as the one described above?
If so how was your experience?
Are those printers reliable and robust?
Is some software
needed (in particular for a connection
directly on ethernet without server)?
Also has anybody other suggestions? the only
requirements are the net-commuting transparency
and the speed (at least 10 p/m).
Any information fragment is welcomen
Thanks in advance to everybody
Maura Cerioli
DISI - Dipartimento di Informatica e Sicenze dell'Informazione
Viale Benedetto XV, 3
16132 Genova
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 12:03:04 -0600
From: courcoul@itesmcq1.qro.itesm.mx (Juan M. Courcoul)
Subject: Lazy PowerBook ?
Ever since I took possession of my (wonderful) PowerBook 180, I've noticed
that it sort of "hangs" within certain applications. When this happens,
whatever it is doing slows down to a crawl or stops altogether. However, if
I fiddle around with the trackball, just moving the cursor about, things
start moving again and the application goes on to finish its task at
regular speed. Seems to me like it was hunting for nonexistent events and
got hung up while waiting for one to appear.
I'm running 7.1 US, with LW 8.1.1, the latest Network Installer and System
Update 2.1 installed.
Any clues as to what's going on ?
Juan M. Courcoul Net: courcoul@itesmcq1.qro.itesm.mx
Monterrey Inst. of Technology courcoul@vmtecqro.qro.itesm.mx
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 21:49:44 -0500
From: Colglazier <coljos@homer.bethel.edu>
Subject: LineLink shipping time...(A)
> I coulda sworn purchases from MacWarehouse took about a week to
> arrive. I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my LineLink modem (the
> $99 one) and have been since the previous Saturday, when I dropped
> the order form in the mail. My guess is they can't keep the modems in
> stock and its on back order. I would appreciate some testimonials
> from people who have purchased the modem from *by mail* on how long
> it took them to receive their products.
> Many thanx in advance.
> -------------- Jay Bienvenu sjb8502@usl.edu
> --------------
I received my modem the day after I placed my order. I called the 800 number
and used a credit card. My guess is that most of your delay is due to the
system. My order was shipped to Minneapolis, MN in the U.S.
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 17:25:03 +0100
From: pelli@suniroe.iroe.fi.cnr.it (Stefano Pelli)
Subject: Mac IIci won't start
Hi netters,
here is another poor fellow, whose IIci does not start unless
he unplugs the beast for a couple of minutes. It used to be half a minute.
It is the old problem of powering up the Mac after it has been off for a
while. I have already read something about it in the digest, so I think it
is almost a FAQ.
I appreciate any suggestion on how to make things get better (they are in
fact worsening very fast, now a 2 hours shut down period is enough for not
restarting without unplugging) without possibly making the Apple Service to
rich. I am piling up money for the new Macs and would not like to spend a
lot of money now.
Answer directly to me, I will summarize for the digest if there are enough
interesting answers.
I thank you in advance.
Stefano Pelli pelli@suniroe.iroe.fi.cnr.it
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 21:50:02 -0500
From: Colglazier <coljos@homer.bethel.edu>
Subject: MacTCP solution (A)
> From: bouldin@anvil.nrl.navy.mil Subject: MacTCP Question, why is it
> an INIT???
> Why does MacTCP have to be an INIT? I would like to be able to make
> changes without rebooting the system. What is it doing that has to be
> done at boot time?? (The reason for the question: I use SLIP at home,
> then carry the same external drive into work in the morning, where I
> use localtalk, so I have to change the MacTCP Prep file and reboot.
> This is a pain. Is there a better approach?)
I think that perhaps there is. What if you were to just swap your
preference files each time you connected to a different networking
system? I think that my work because each time you connect with SLIP it
reads your pref file (rather than storing it in memory until you
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1993 11:19:09 +0000
From: Graham Allsopp <G.Allsopp@Sheffield.ac.uk>
Subject: Mirror SmartStack (& 128MB optical drives)
Thanks for the responses regarding 128MB optical drives. It looks like we
will go for the Mirror drive. However, Mirror's SmartStack system (with
either a Panasonic or Fujitsu optical mechanism) is now also available in
the UK. Does anyone have any experience of:
i) Mirror's SmartStack system. We will also be hanging a scanner with
internal termination, and a Mirror SyQuest off the same SCSI bus.
ii) Panasonic and/or Fujitsu 128MB optical mechanisms.
Any praises or grumbles will be welcome
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 19:10:08 +0100
From: robk@stack.urc.tue.nl (Rob Kouwenberg)
Subject: P. Ingenierie Intertalk, what is it ? [Q]
Hi Folks !
I recently visited a friend of mine, and, as usual he had some strange
objects for me. One of these was a Nubus card with some ic's on it, and the
only description "P. Ingenierie Intertalk" on the card. On the panel to the
outside, two serial plugs are located, together with a LED and a push
I suspect it to be something like the quadralink cards from AE, but as it
didn't come neither with docs or software, I'm totally left confused ...
Any tip is highly appreciated, the first real answer ( docs + software -:)
) wins either :
- a handful of 256Ksimms
- a monochrome Nubus monitor card
- a do it yourself cake ( all ingredients, not space stuff ! )
- a kiss from my girl friend ( she doesn't know yet, so this might be the
thing you want to go for ! )
Greetings from The Netherlands, Rob Kouwenberg
(* robk@blade.stack.urc.tue.nl snailnet:p/o Gr. Adolfstraat 86
ERSICRKO@HEITUE52.bitnet 5616 BX Eindhoven,Holland*)
Date: 20 Oct 93 14:24:40 EDT
From: Hans Kroeger <100136.3052@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: PB180 + unstable 17" monitor
Help needed!
I just bought a 17" EIZO color monitor (that's called the "Nanao" in the
States) to be connected to my PowerBook180.
Besides the fact that this monitor offers an excellent image quality, I am
disturbed by the fact that the image is moving on the screen after turn-on of
the PB 180.
The image moves from right to left by up to 1 cm (= more than 1/3 of an inch)
within 30 minutes after turn-on.
Replacing the monitor by another one did not help. A new motherboard in the PB
180 did not help either. Seemingly I have to live with that problem....
Any ideas ?
Your help is highly appreciated, thanks a lot !
Hans Kroeger
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 8:56:01 MDT
From: Jon Kamler 208-756-5400 <jkamler@dsc.blm.gov>
Subject: PCMCIA Cards?
I was wondering if anybody new of sources for non-Apple
PCMCIA storage cards - either SRAM or Flash Memory (EPROM)
Second ?: Does anybody have any recommendations for use or
problems with using non-Apple cards with a Newton? Any
personal experience with such would be helpful.
Third (and final) ?: Someone mentioned that they thought
there was a Newton-specific mailing list formed or
forming on the Net. Does anyone know anything about it?
Dartmouth came up as where they thought it might be
originating from.
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 10:50:03 EDT
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM%VTVM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: PhotoCD vs DOS Mounter (C)
On Mon, 18 Oct, Johan Solve wrote:
>DOS-Mounter 2.0.3 from Insignia seems to mess things up with the Apple
>Photo Access extension. When DosMounter is installed, photo-CDs aren't
>recognized in my CD300i ("This is not a Macintosh disk. Initialize or
>AccessPC 1.1 works fine though.
So does the latest version of DOS Mounter (DM Plus), Johan.
And DOS Mounter is a product of Dayna Communications.
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 21:12:35 -0500
From: Bienvenu Sidney J <sjb8502@usl.edu>
Subject: problem with SAM 3.5
This evening I renamed the alias of Symantec Anti-Virus 3.5 that was placed in
my Extensions folder when I installed it. When I rebooted, and now every time
reboot, I get a dialog box that says,
There is a problem getting SAM virus definitions from the SAM
Virus Definitions file. Either the file is not in the system
folder, or it is invalid!
I did not touch the Virus Definitions file. My mom had the same problem some
time ago (SAM getting out of whack all of a sudden for no apparent reason).
solved that problem by reinstalling SAM. I think that's a little extreme, and
it's not exactly convenient for me.
Anyone out there got reasons/solutions? TIA. -- Jay
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 11:04:58 EDT
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM%VTVM1.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Quadras and Excel 3 (C)
On Sun, 17 Oct, Michel Lewinger wrote:
>I know that some upgrading could be done from the 3.0 to 4.0, but this
>thing of purchasing (!) upgrades when apple releases sys 7.1 is somehow
>buggy, as one who has used word 4.0, and excell 3.0, and lots of other
>applications, and would need to turn the quadra cache off for using them
>(what's the thing of buying a quadra then ?), or spending some 300-400
>$$$ for the upgrades.
Michel, there is a cheaper solution than $400 for upgrades that is less
bother than toggling the cache and rebooting. Alysis' "Compatibility
Init" toggles the cache on the fly for programs that are cache-hostile.
Costs $100 or so. I ordered via e-mail (alysis@applelink.apple.com) so
Goodwife Bloom's new C650 wouldn't cause a domestic tranquility problem.
She sees no need to bog down her system with Excel 4. Three's plenty.
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 93 13:10:06 +0100
From: Duncan.Markham@ling.lu.se
Subject: regarding language translators
In Digest #207 there was the following:
>From: "Marshall L. McCall" <mccall@Aries.YorkU.CA>
>Subject: Foreign Language Translation
>I have good news for those people like myself who have been searching
>far and wide for software to translate between English and other languages.
>Thanks to an earlier tip in the archives, I have found out that
>Globalink is transferring its software Power Translator Professional to
>the Macintosh platform. There will be versions which will translate
>Spanish, French, German, or Russian to or from English. The software
>will be available at the end of this month, it is claimed.
>The price for the Macintosh version is $1195. This may sound
>expensive, until one considers the power of the software and
>its uniqueness on the Macintosh platform. I should point out
>also that this price includes a license for up to 5 users.
Whilst I haven't seen ANY of the commercial translators in action, my reaction
as a linguist to claims of high power, 90% accuracy, full-sentence etc etc on
anything other than a limited-vocabulary translator is considerable
What do native speakers of the respective languages think of the
What does accuracy mean in this context -- semantic approximation, or
of correct semantic and syntactic form?
This is NOT intended as a criticism of Marshall L. McCall, who posted the
original info!
Department of Linguistics and Phonetics
Lund University
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 93 12:53:13 BST
From: steven.taylor@mrc-applied-psychology.cambridge.ac.uk
Subject: Remote & Selective Quitting of Apps
Many thanks to Johan Solve and Richard Lim for their suggestions and
comments on remote quitting of apps.
Johan suggested ProcessWatcher 2.0; freeware requiring system 7, and File
Linking on the remote machine, PW 2.0 permits remote launch, 'bring to
front', and kill, as well as info on process' attributes - it works
brilliantly. Since prog.linking is required, access permissions are called
for which address Richard's concerns about machine security.
Only inconvenience is if remote app has unsaved changes, when the usual
"want to save this stuff?" dialog appears there, to which a manual
button-press is required but PW cannot provide. However unsaved changes
with no current operator is not a common occurrence on this particular
machine, so no problem.
Thanks again!
at umich: /util/multifinder/processwatcher2.0.cpt.hqx 65K
may be at sumex also but try as I might I cannot gopher, ftp or anything to
I did look in a mirror or two, but couldn't see what I wanted (story of my
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 12:48:14 -0800
From: jamiel@sybase.com (Healthier, More Manageable Hair)
Subject: Rice, Hair and preemptive comments
...but not in that order.
First off- to try to squelch what could become a lump in everyones mailbox-
Al Bloom and I have figured things out. Thanks to everyone who wrote me-
the variety of opinion has been enlightening.
Back to the original question- I got a message from the coordinator of the
Rice mirror- it barfed on the new listing format and was dysfunctional for
a little while, but is working fine again. Thanks Mark.
I got a couple of requests for info on the ftpmail service there- send mail to
LISTSERV@ricevm1.rice.edu with the word 'help' in the body of the message
for info.
Third- I think the issue of inet identity is important, but debating it is
getting tiring. Lets all agree to disagree and get back to macintosh stuff.
That's what I am going to do.
Jamie Lawrence
"Static- It's all just static"- Bryna Bank
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 13:34:19 +0100
From: bebb@ferndown.ate.slb.com (Malcolm Bebb)
Subject: Rice Mirror (And Anal Jerks)
jamiel@sybase.com wrote in Info-Mac V11 #207
>The only reason I am making this an issue is that identity on the Internet
>is becoming more of an issue almost daily, and people like Al (I hesitate
>to use the term net.cop) dedicated to making those of us who don't think
>Inet identities are cast in stone seem immature and foolish.
It's not Al making such people look immature and foolish....
Malcolm bebb@ferndown.ate.slb.com (Usual disclaimers apply)
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 93 15:48 BST
From: RICHARD LIM <RTL@siva.bristol.ac.uk>
Subject: SCSI Manager 4.3
I'm posting this for a friend who is, shall we say, speed-crazy. He's
read the MacWeek article on the new SCSI Manager, which is apparently
built into the av Mac ROMs and also exists as an INIT. He believes
that with this INIT, and presumably some appropriate SCSI driver, he'll
be able to get improved performance out of his DEC gigabyte drive which is
nominally SCSI-2 and is connected to a Q950.
(1) Where does one get this new SCSI Manager? It's not ftp-able to my
(2) What about the issue of compatible SCSI drivers? Do third-party
disk formatters like Silver Lining now ship with such formatters?
(3) What about the SCSI performance on the Mac end? I believe Quadras
have enhanced SCSI but I didn't think they were quite up to SCSI-2.
Any advice would be appreciated. To me, SCSI is fuzzy (groan).
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1993 09:06:51 -0600
From: courcoul@itesmcq1.qro.itesm.mx (Juan M. Courcoul)
Subject: Sumex traffic
Gordon replies to a letter from Bienvenu Sidney J:
>[Yep. We piggy back on a system here. It used to be we had to share the
>system with regular day-time users. Now, however, we have sumex-aim all to
>ourselves. This is better than it used to be (no, really). Upgrading isn't
>really in our control. We have to do the best we can with what we have,
>I'm afraid. --Gordon]
Have you ever considered using FSP ? I know that this unofficial protocol
has earned a nefarious reputation, what with all the fly-by-night
pornography filled sites that spring periodically, but in principle it
should represent a much lower load (albeit a slower transfer rate). For
example, the wuarchive mirror has FSP access via port 21 (i.e., if the port
receives a TCP request, it means it's an FTP, if it is an UDP, it's FSP).
As an aside, does anyone know of a FSP client for the Mac ?
[We already have gopher, which uses less system resources than ftp. -Gordon]
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 12:41:08 -0400
From: norm@helix.nih.gov(Norm Friedman)
Subject: System 7
Hi, I am still using system 6.0.7 with my Mac SE which has 4 M RAM, 40 M HD
and a 85 external HD. Would like some opinions on moving up to System 7.
Is is worth it for me, or am I asking for troubles? Thanks in advance to
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1993 09:08:45 +0100
From: louis@slig.ucl.ac.be (Guy LOUIS)
Subject: To make disappear the HD icon?
Hello from Belgium,
Does anyone know the trick to make disappear the icon of the startup disk
Many thanks
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 93 12:16:07 MET
From: ravenek@chem.vu.nl (Walter Ravenek)
Subject: Turkish font
Hi Netters,
I am looking for a Turkish font. Is there someone who knows
where I can find one?
Walter Ravenek
Dept. of Chemistry
Vrije Universiteit
De Boelelaan 1083
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
e-mail: ravenek@chem.vu.nl
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 1993 09:15:44 -0400
From: jsc@ram.suny.geneseo.edu (Jon Christiansen)
Subject: Turning off the Laserwriter Pro Sleep Mode
After using the LaserWriter Pro Sleep software available at Info-Mac I
decided that I no longer wanted my LaserWriter Pro to sleep. How do you
disable the
sleep settings to never sleep?????
Jon Christiansen (jsc@ram.suny.geneseo.edu, christij@snygenva.bitnet)
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 93 10:12:48 CDT
From: jemian@tmnxt1.iit.edu (Pete Jemian)
Subject: Typesetting
In Info-Mac 11-207 (+/-2), Alun J Carr writes:
"...you can get an incredibly
high-quality and easy to use [math typesetting] system, ..."
Come on now, aren't you whistlin Dixie here?
TeX and its later modifications ain't exactly the easiest things to learn.
Admittedly, once you learn them, you don't want anything else.
But, until you learn how to use, say LaTeX, you might lose
either hair or sleep. I agree though. In comparison, the other stuff
is junior league.
-- Pete Jemian, jemian@tmnxt1.iit.edu
Center for Synchrotron Radiation Research and Instrumentation
Illinois Institute of Technology
Date: Wed, 20 Oct 1993 10:12:00 -0500
From: "Andrew E. Scheck" <aes@aplcomm.jhuapl.edu>
Subject: Water marks in MS Word 5.1 (Q)
Is there a way in Microsoft Word 5.1 to do a "water mark" (I think that's
what it's called), having the word "Draft" in huge, light gray letters and
positioned diagonally across every page and having the document text (and
everything else) run over top of it?
There used to be a way (via a bug probably) under MS Word 4 that involved a
couple of sequential "positions" or "frames" around different objects and
then deleting one of them which made the other frame keep its position but
Word would forget to wrap around it. I can't seem to come up with the correct
combination to make this happen--and if it was a bug, it may have been fixed.
I know that putting the appropriate PostScript code in the header will make a
printed version work, but I'd like to see it on the screen.
Andy Scheck
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 93 14:41 GMT0BST-1
From: Pindar Infotek Ltd <pindar3@cix.compulink.co.uk>
Subject: Writing code to select a fo
>From Pindar user Ian McCall
Subject: _Writing code to select a folder (in C)
First off, I realise that this is probably better placed in
comp.sys.mac.programmer than on a general purpose Mac digest.
Unfortunately however, I don't have posting access at the moment and
so I'm forced to ask on here.
Can any programmers tell me how to provide hooks to SFGetFile which
allow me to select a folder, rather than a file? For anyone who's
used MPW, I'm thinking along the lines of it's 'Set Directory'
dialogue. This provides a button at the top marked 'set current
directory' and another down the side which says 'Use selected
directory' (or something very similar).
I can implememt the first one easily enough, but I can't work out how
to do the second. Although I mentioned MPW as an example, I'm
actually working in THINK C. Still, I don't suppose that should make
any difference.
Thanks in advance for any information.
Please make 'Attn:<space>Ian McCall' the first line of your reply
(not the
subject) to ensure automatic forwarding to the correct Pindar user.
End of Info-Mac Digest